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        Contact Information

        Guangzhou Kennyway Food Processing Machinery Co., Ltd.

        Address: No.10-108 Shibei Avenue Huijiang Section, Dashi, Panyu District, Guangzhou, China 

        Zip Code: 511430 

        Tel: +86-20-34796825, 84781824

        E-mail: kennyway@gzkennyway.com

        Mobile Phone: 18620581202 (Mrs.Kang)

        News Detail
        Home> News Detail
        Kennyway's Chief Executive Wang Shengwei Was Elected Chairman of Chinese Rice Products Sub-associati
        Category: Company News
        Date: 2015-12-21
        Author: 健力

        On December 5th, 2015, at the Third Membership Representative Assembly of Rice Products Sub-association of Chinese Cereals and Oil Association (CCOA) and the Nineth Chinese Rice Noodles and Vermicelli Industries' Development Conference, Wang Shengwei, chief executive of Guangzhou Kennyway Food Processing Machinery Co., Ltd., was elected chairman of the Third Session Council of Rice Products Sub-association of Chinese Cereals and Oil Association. 


        Rice Products & Sub-association is a national organization under the leadership of CCOA and a cross-industrial, cross-regional and cross-departmental mass academic community integrating senior and intermediate scientific & technical personnel and entrepreneurs who are specialized in scientific researches and industrial production of rice products.

        The position of chairman of the Second Session Council of Rice Products & Sub-association was taken by Mr. Cen Junjian, founder of Guangzhou Kennyway Food Processing Machinery Co., Ltd., expert enjoying the special allowance of the State Council and creator of Chinese rice noodles and vermicelli equipment and non-standard equipment. Under his leadership, pleasing achievements were made by the last session council: in the realm of rice noodles and vermicelli equipment manufacture, part of enterprises have been realized automatic or semi-automatic production of straight noodle production lines, rice wave noodle production lines, fresh rice noodle production lines and so on; in the field of rice noodles and vermicelli production, there emerge quite a number of large-scale enterprises such as Chunxiao, Wufeng, Daohuaxiang and Chuncheng Lao Bai Jia; in the area of rice noodles and vermicelli consumption, distinctive rice noodles and vermicelli catering enterprises like Guilin rice noodles, Yunnan Guoqiao rice noodles and other chain stores are flourishing; the supply of raw materials of rice noodles and vermicelli are also gradually becoming industrialized and large-scale. 


        Chairman Wang Shengwei gave a speech at the conference. He pointed out that the national "Thirteenth Five-year Plan" has brought new opportunities for the development of rice noodles and vermicelli industry. The first one is the domestic economic industry structure adjustment with policy opportunities, and the second one is the "One Belt and One Road" strategy creates international market opportunities. The third one is industrial plans such as Internet+ and Innovation 2.0, which provide the transformation and upgrade of traditional rice noodles and vermicelli industry with technological opportunities. Wang suggests that the thrid session council carry out work from the following three aspects: First of all, strengthen the strategy of culture's rejuvenating the industry and promote the industry to be a mainstream one. Secondly, stress the conception of resource sharing and promote industrial modernization. Thirdly, emphasize on innovating services and promote industrial globlization. Wang especially puts forward that under the tendency of mass innovation and entrepreneurship, we still need to keep cautious and the spirit of craftmanship. On the one hand, we need to actively integrate into the new business type of Internet +; on the other hand, we should guard against arrogance and not blindly pursue fashion trends. We should make good use of the spirit of century-old shop to stand on solid ground and hold fast to the major business. 

        Zhang Guifeng, president of CCOA, also attended this conference and delivered an important speech. In addition, Wang Ruiyuan, chief expert and honorary chairman of CCOA gave a special report on Profiles and Development Tendencies of Chinese Grain Production and Processing. Entrepreneurs, experts, purchasers and suppliers of the rice noodles and vermicelli industry from all over the world all took part in this conference. 


        Previous: Guangzhou Kennyway Relocation Announcement
        Next: Kennyway's New Invention of Straight Noodles Loosening Machine
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